This photo gallery commemorates our Paly '64's 60th Reunion which was held October 12-13, 2024 in Palo Alto
[The photo credits for our Saturday dinner gathering go to Elizabeth Gumucio Bliss and Judy Graham! Thank you both for memorilizing our 60th!]
[The Paly campus tour photos on Sunday, October 13th were taken by me]
Suffice it to say that it was a wonderful evening and likely a unique reunion experience as everyone in attendance got to introduce themselves as well as sharing some of their lifetime thoughts to all of us! The Main Event at the Westin Hotel on Saturday 10/12 was scheduled to be held from 4-8PM. In actuality, many classmates arrived early with almost everyone checking in by 4:30PM. We had a meet & greet with a no host bar in the foyer and our dining room. (Note: the area we had at the Westin was on the 2nd floor and was set aside exclusivley for our use). The dinner buffett was set and ready for service by 5PM or so. We had (7) round tables with each table sitting (7) people as you will see by the photos. This setup worked out great as you could easily converse with everyone at your table.
Around 6PM, after the arrival of a final, yet crucially important classmate, we tried something new. Someone got drafted as an ex officio master of ceremonies and we commenced to have everyone in attendance stand up, introduce themselves, and then share some thoughts about their lives and perhaps their memories of Paly. There were no "ground rules" or time limits but everyone clearly got into the spirit of sharing while respecting their use of time. It's hard to summarize this hour plus experience for those of you who were not in attendance. There was humor, nostalgia, memories of classmates who are no longer with us...and we found out things we likely never knew about our classmates from so long ago. By the conclusion of this segment, the consensus in the room seemed to be that we all were pretty darned lucky to have been at Paly back then and to have been raised in Palo Alto.
HIghlighted comments would include John Browne (a toast to those classmates who have passed on), Chuck Rumwell (how he has relied on his Paly experiences throughout his life), Rich Heinichen (that the owners of his old house are now charging $500 to sleep in his old room), Mike Thompson (describing his career with the caveat that he would have to kill us all if we really knew what it encompassed!), Ben DuBose (giving us insight into the very difficult life he had before entering Paly)...there are many more highlights but you should get the idea that the evening was extraordinary...
Around 7:15 or so, we had been able to get around to everyone in the room and it seemed so rewarding to have been able to really share in what had amounted to some highlights of everyone's life. After some additional conversational time, we all headed out into the night, although it is rumored that a few classmates retired to the nearby Sheraton Hotel 'lounge' to decompress and debrief the reunion's events!
On Sunday morning, a small group gathered at Paly to tour the campus that is mostly changed since we graduated in 1964 and even a lot since 2014. A few photos of that tour have been included, but you can access more by clicking the Paly Campus Tour on this website.
So now, enjoy the photo gallery! And start thinking about a 65th reunion...? Or a mini reunion or...
Special Thank You's to our 60th Reunion Committee: Bob Baker, Marty Brill, Ro Davis, Adele Faville, Larry Mayne and of course, the one person who has keept us all together since June 11, 1964, Connie Horack Fasani!
Bob, Larry & Connie handled the reservation and setup for the Westin site. Larry continues to act as our class treasurer and as such pays all our bills after processing all of your reservations. Marty continues to keep us together and focused on promoting another great reunion. And I just help out wherever & however I can! :)
We also want to thank Cheryl Socha Richards for putting together the lovely center peices that adorned all our tables!
And again a big thank you to our ex officio event photographers: Elizabeth Bliss Gumucio and Judy Graham! Thank you Ladies!
We'd also want to thank Byron Mellberg (of Legends fame!) for providing his 50's & 60's playlist and speaker. It's still fun to hear our old favorites! Lots of memories!
Until we meet again, Live, Laugh & Love...every opportunity you can!
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